Dominate Your Next Pickleball Match Thanks to This Coordination Tool

Dominate Your Next Pickleball Match Thanks to This Coordination Tool

Pickleball is a fantastic game for everyone, but it's not without its risks. Before the recent pickleball craze, the Journal of Emergency Medicine estimated over 19,000 pickleball injuries per year...

TrainingFootwork - The Most Underrated and Under-Trained Skill in Boxing

Footwork - The Most Underrated and Under-Trained Skill in Boxing

In boxing, a fighter's ability to move with precision and grace sets them apart from the best. Yet the most common training tool, punching bags, don't train footwork.  It's clear that there is a ne...

TrainingMaster the Jab Punch: A Step-by-Step Guide to Throwing a Perfect Jab

Master the Jab Punch: A Step-by-Step Guide to Throwing a Perfect Jab

Fast and straight, a jab punch is often delivered with the lead hand. It is a crucial tool for any boxer, and it may be used to set up combinations, score points, and disengage an opponent. How t...

TrainingMastering the Sidestep: The Ultimate Defensive Technique in Boxing