Used By Patients and Physical Therapists from These Organizations:

Your movement starts in your brain; your training should start there too.
Jukestir is unlike anything you've used before. Its unpredictable motion strengthens the most powerful part of your body, your brain.
Fight Parkinson's
Jukestir's unpredictable motion makes you think and move. It helps individuals with Parkinson's to enhance their motor skills, coordination, footwork, and reflexes.
Win Your Fight
Unlock Healing with Brain Power
Jukestir's unpredictable motion challenges your brain. As a result, your brain builds new connections (called synapses), and like a muscle, it gets stronger.

"By working your brain, you work your muscles at a higher level."
A Striking Difference.

Limited Movement
Heavy Bag is great for hitting hard, but it's not hard to hit.

Rhythmic Movement
These bags are designed to be hit over-and-over in the exact same place.

Dynamic Movement
Jukestir is great for physical therapy because it moves unpredictably, which builds neuromuscular coordination.
Enhancing Motor Skills Through Innovative Physical Therapy

Build Your Coordination
Jukestir's unpredictable motion strengthens the link between your body and brain, increasing your proprioception and helping you regain lost motor function.

Reduce Falls
Jukestir's dynamic motion enhances stability, flexibility, and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries which saves you time, money, and the discomfort of pain.

Heal Faster
Patients using Jukestir improve their range of motion, joint stability, and regain confidence. Jukestir adds enjoyment to the rehabilitation process.
Trust The Pros

Brett Hann
Occupational Therapist
I purchased this bag for two programs I run: one with autistic young adults, and the other with Parkinson's disease. Jukestir has been great for helping them.

Jordan West
Professor of Physical Therapy, WSU
Compared to the competition, Jukestir is a more affordable option. I think in a facility that deals with balance, or any kind of neuro or vestibular, Jukestir would be great.

Dr. Ulrick Jean-Pierre
Professional Physical Therapy
It's a fun tool. My patients love it. I use the Jukestir a lot for balance exercises as an external stimulus, it helps my patients static and dynamic lower extremity stability.

Rocky Snyder
2023 Personal Trainer of the Year
"I love using the Jukestir, I defiantly recommend it for all the trainers out there."

Jukestir is the only punching bag that trains both your body and mind. Its unpredictable motion improves your speed, power, and coordination.
- Total Body Workout
- Fun and Engaging
- Beginner or Advanced
- Easy to Hang

Dynamic Motion Technology
- Precision Weighting System
- Premium Molded Foam
- Engineered Shape Optimizations
Warriors, athletes, and scientists literally tested thousands of formulations to create the most realistic movement possible.
Win Your Fight Blog

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